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Prospect Means Business                                                            Happenings in Prospect

Mission Statement

The Prospect Business Association was formed in 2014 with the mission of providing a platform for businesses to promote, advertise and enhance the growth of local Prospect businesses, as well as support the Prospect community in which we live and work.

Join Us For Networking

Business Owners, workers and citizens are welcome to join
our Association; Become a member today. Use the
Join Us
link above left. We are here to help you Grow Your Business!

Send us photos of your Business in action:

      Email photos to Rob

More Photos:

Here are more Spring Fling photos:


March 2025 Happenings -

March 15th Workshop for Teens

Sponsored by the Prospect Public Library and marshalled by Andrea O'Shea.

March 18th - Membership Meeting at Kelly's Kids
9 Spring Road, Prospect, CT

Guest Speaker:
Courtney Ligi - Marketing your Business.

Meeting Begins ay 6:00 PM.

Grand Opening was held at Blueberry Cat Collectibles on Saturday September 28th. Great Turnout!

Mayor Bob with the all-important Ribbon Cutting!

Lots of smiles and happy customers.

Way to go John!

Our Member Meeting at The Kitchen was very well attended. Elections were completed very quickly, as we had two people running for exactly two open positions!. Also, for the 1st time, we have Advisory Board Members;  more great volunteers to help us bring you more business opportunities.

Please welcome Jon Horzepa (LaBonne's Market) and Brooke Dragon (Attiva Wellness), to the Board & Tom Canfield (Pavlik Real Estate), Donna Ploski (Ploskis Finest Liquors) & John Miklinevich (Blueberry Cat Collectibles) to our Advisory Board.

Welcome Back - Diane Stewart (Ion Bank), Theresa Graveline (United Capital Services Corporation), Kelly Cronin (Kelly's Kids), Betty Bajek (Friends of The Prospect Public Library) & Rob Edwards (The Job Shop Company) to the Board.

Together we will bring you new opportunities to meet new potential customers.


Email for questions: membership@ProspectBusiness.org 


PSF - Prospect Scholarship Foundation

Here is the PSF link: 
Scholarship Foundation




The PBA Officers for the coming year are as follows:

President – Diane Stewart, ION Bank

Vice President, Membership – Brooke Mariotti, Attiva Wellness

Treasurer – Jon Horzepa, LaBonne's Market.

Secretary – Betty Bajek, Friends of the Prospect Public Library
Vice President, Marketing & Technology – Rob Edwards, The Job Shop Company

Membership Dues Invoices will be  mailed to all businesses. 

Membership is Due 1/1 thru 12/31 of each year and Dues are still only $100.


See our Facebook Page, Galleries and Information:


Permalinks to Important Content:

PBA Bylaws 05-16-14.pdf

© Prospect Business Association
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